Britney Spears And How Society Drives Us Crazy

2021-07-02 8

Britney Spears begs the authorities to free her from the controlling conservatorship of her father. In her court hearing she spoke of forced sterilization, punishments for disobedience and loneliness. The whole world, left and right, wonders now how a woman that has left substance abuse and erratic behavior behind herself long ago and is now a tee-total dry (non-)alcoholic can be deprived of all her basic freedoms in the name of care.

It begs the question how a society that does not intervene in mental illness in the sprawling homeless camps across California and other Liberal places and that turns a blind eye to the BLM rioters, can put a high-functioning, hard-working American into a state of slavery. She is an extreme example of what we see at large: The by-and-large most stable folks are exploited and made feel bonkers by people who are actually crazy and far more dangerous.

[The hearing record]
[Einstein image]
[consistency of research results in psychology]
[footage Pelosi]
[footage homeless tents LA]
[footage stretcher]
[pic of IUD]
