New York Mayor’s Race in Chaos After 135,000 Test Ballots Are Counted

2021-06-30 321

New York Mayor’s Race in Chaos , After 135,000 Test Ballots Are Counted.
On June 29, the New York City Board of Elections released a new tally of votes in
the Democratic mayoral primary.
'The New York Times' reports that the initial results had suggested that the mayoral race had tightened significantly.
However, just a few hours later, the elections board issued a cryptic tweet revealing a “discrepancy” in the report. .
By that evening, the report had been taken down and replaced by a new notice that the results would not be available until June 30.
According to the 'NYT,' the board explained in a statement that it had failed to remove sample ballot images used to test its new voting software. .
The board counted “both test and election
night results, producing approximately
135,000 additional records,” the statement said. .
There is real danger that
voters will come to believe
a set of facts about the race
that will be disproven
when all votes are in, Ben Greenfield, senior survey data analyst at Change Research, via 'The New York Times'