Priyanka Chopra had a belated celebration for mother Madhu Chopra’s birthday at her New York restaurant, Sona, on June 26. The actor’s ‘famjam’ at the restaurant took place a day after she visited her restaurant for the first time after it opened. Priyanka’s husband, singer-actor Nick Jonas was missing from the party as he is busy with his professional commitments. Madhu Chopra turned a year older on June 16. : Karisma Kapoor turned 47 on June 25. And the beautiful actor is \"making her years count, instead of counting the years\" and we couldn't agree more. On June 25, she shared glimpses of her birthday celebrations and they are everything nice. On her special day, Karisma picked a black and gold top and black trousers as her outfit and spent her birthday with sister Kareena Kapoor, brother-in-law Saif Ali Khan, BFF Amrita Arora and close friend Haseena Jethmalani. She also shared a few pictures of herself posing against a red foil curtain at her birthday party. Arjun Kapoor turned 36 on June 26. Katrina Kaif, Anushka Sharma, girlfriend Malaika Arora, sisters Anshula, Janhvi, Khushi & Sonam Kapoor, Parineeti Chopra and many others wished the actor. Arjun’s birthday celebration was star studded. Janhvi Kapoor, Khushi and Anshula Kapoor, Ranveer Singh, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Vijay Deverakonda were in attendance.