Warren Buffett Announces Resignation From Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

2021-06-23 51

Warren Buffett Announces Resignation , From Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Buffett, 90, announced his resignation
via a statement released on June 23.
The chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway
has donated a sum of $41 billion
to the Gates Foundation over the years.
With his resignation, Buffet also announced
an additional donation of $4.1 billion.
For years I have been a trustee — an inactive trustee at that — of only one recipient of my funds, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMG), Warren Buffett, Statement,
via 'The New York Times'.
I am now resigning from that post, just as I have done at all corporate boards other than Berkshire’s, Warren Buffett, Statement,
via 'The New York Times'.
In the wake of the announcement
of Bill and Melinda Gates' divorce.
allegations against Bill Gates surfaced that
he behaved inappropriately toward female colleagues
during his time as CEO of Microsoft.
Representatives from the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have
yet to comment on Buffett's resignation