Head First JavaScript Programming: A Brain-Friendly Guide For Kindle

2021-06-18 1

Click Here : https://fubbooks.info/?book=144934013X
If you know HTML & CSS then you know all about web page style and structure now it's time to give those pages some behavior, some interactivity. Want to understand that code you've been copying and pasting into your web pages? And do it in a way that won't put you to sleep? Then Head First JavaScript Programming is for you. Learning a programming language is no easy task, but Head First JavaScript Programming uses puzzles, visuals, mysteries, interviews, and fun examples to make learning JavaScript fast, fun, and effective. But don't be fooled you might be having a good time while you're learning JavaScript, but you're still learning all the serious stuff. Like how functions and objects work, what a callback is, how to interact with the web page using the Document Object Model, how to use arrays, and even what a closure is. JavaScript is one of the most popular languages in the world, and it's only getting more popular as the Web continues to grow. Learn JavaScript the Head First way, and get in on all the action.