The fight over the control of the Lok Janshakti Party, split down the middle over a feud in the Paswan family, continued till late on June 16 with Chirag Paswan making a fresh appointment. Removed from the party's top post by the rebel faction of the party led by his uncle Pashupati Kumar Paras, Paswan named his right-hand man Raju Tiwari as the party's Bihar unit president, reported news agency ANI. The post was held by Paswan's cousin Prince Raj, one of the five MPs who rebelled on June 14 under the leadership of Paras & asked the Lok Sabha Speaker recognise them as a separate group. Isolated within the party by the coup, Chirag Paswan declared himself a "sher ka bachcha" (a lion cub) at a media conference, indicating that he was ready for a fight. At the same time, he kept up an emotional approach, saying he became an "orphan" after his uncle left him and not when he lost his father. Watch the video to know more.