The Girl Scouts Face Huge Excess of Unsold Cookies

2021-06-14 17

The Girl Scouts, Face Huge Excess, of Unsold Cookies.
ABC News reports the
Girl Scouts have approximately
15 million boxes of unsold cookies.
The organization reportedly said that the
coronavirus is responsible for the excess.
Many troops abandoned traditional
cookie booths for safety reasons.
Local councils and troops depend on
the sale of cookies to fund programming,
travel, camps and other activities.
The Girl Scouts normally sell around
200 million boxes of cookies per year, .
equalling about $800 million in sales.
Now, the Girl Scouts are hoping
to sell or donate the excess cookies ...
... to places like food banks and the military.
In addition to the pandemic,
the Girl Scouts face declining enrollment. .
About 1.7 million girls were
enrolled in Girl Scouts in 2019, .
down almost 30% from 2009