4 important facts about Facial Feminisation Surgery that you should know:
1. Facial Feminisation Surgery is for both TRANS, CIS Women and making their face more Feminine.
2. Facial Feminisation Surgery for TRANS Women is not a Cosmetic but a Re-constructive procedure because it is not performed for aesthetics reasons. It function effectively and helps these women to live a normal life.
3. The most common and striking recontouring procedure performed as part of Facial Feminisation Surgery include enhancement of:
a. The Forehead
b. The Nose
c. The Lower Jaw
4. Each case and each face is different. Every women can have a different idea of what facial features will look more feminine. The list of procedure used in Facial Feminisation Surgery can be different for different cases.
Hence, your procedure will be unique to you.
Remember, Gender incongruence is a real condition not a mental health problem. So, let's remove this stigma around Facial Feminisation Surgery and spread some love around.
Want to know more, watch the video till the end.
Read more: https://facesurgerydelhi.com/facial-feminization-surgery/