Releasing a statement on her separation from her husband, Trinamool Congress MP Nusrat Jahan on June 9 said she does not need to get divorced as her marriage with Nikhil Jain was never valid under Indian law. Since it was an interfaith wedding solemnised on foreign land as per Turkish Marriage Regulation, it was invalid under the Special Marriage Act in India, she said. Just after she contested the Lok Sabha polls from the Basirhat seat and won, the actor-turned-MP had married businessman Nikhil Jain in Bodrum of Turkey in 2019. Without naming anyone in the statement, Nusrat also said that the “one who claims to be rich” has been taking money from her bank account. The MP also alleged her assets and jewellery have been illegally held back. Nusrat Jahan said she has built her life based on sheer hard work & would never allow anyone else to share the limelight. Jahan had won the 2019 Lok Sabha election from Basirhat by over 3.5 lakh votes. She was among the 17 women who were fielded by Mamata Banerjee's party that year and was a huge crowd-puller at poll rallies.