Page One Inside The New York Times Movie

2021-06-08 1

Page One Inside The New York Times Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In the tradition of great fly-on-the-wall documentaries, #PageOne: INSIDE THE NEW YORK TIMES deftly gains unprecedented access to The #NewYorkTimes newsroom and the inner workings of the Media Desk. With the Internet surpassing print as our main news source and newspapers going bankrupt, PAGE ONE chronicles the transformation of the media industry at its time of greatest turmoil. Writers like Brian Stelter, Tim Arango and the salty but brilliant David Carr track print journalism’s metamorphosis even as their own paper struggles to stay vital and solvent. Meanwhile, their editors and publishers grapple with existential challenges from players like WikiLeaks, new platforms ranging from Twitter to tablet computers, and readers’ expectations that news online should be free.

But rigorous journalism is thriving. PAGE ONE gives us an up-close look at the vibrant cross-cubicle debates and collaborations, skillfully painting a nuanced portrait of journalists continuing to produce extraordinary work—under increasingly difficult circumstances. At the heart of the film is the burning question on the minds of everyone who cares about a rigorous press: what will happen if the fast-moving future of media leaves behind the fact-based, original reporting that helps to define our society?