What Does the NFHS-5 Report Say about Malnutrition in India?

2021-06-03 0

#NFHS #Malnutrition #Malnutrition in India #NFHS5
Recently, the 5th edition of the National Family Health Survey was released by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. The survey, in it's first phase, collected data from 22 states and UTs for the year 2019-20.

The data indicates that child stunting has increased in 13 states, including developed states like Kerala, Gujarat and Maharashtra. Child wasting, which is when children have low weight for their height, has increased in 12 states, with Maharashtra and Gujarat on top. Underweight children increased in 16 states and overweight children increased in 20 states.
These four factors- wasting, stunting, underweight and overweight - are used to determine the level of malnutrition in the country.

In the wake of this survey, The Wire attempts to determine the factors that have led to a rise in malnutrition.

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