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On the banks of river Bagmati, in North Bihar’s Samastipur district, lies a village called Gangaura. During annual rainfall in Bihar, Gangaura village is always one of the worst-hit. Geographically, Gangaura is surrounded by villages of Muzaffarpur and Darbhanga in the north. This year alone, the village was flooded five times by the gushing waters of the Bagmati river, displacing hundreds of people more than thrice. To help villages and livelihoods, the Bihar government has been constructing embankments along the course of the river. But once aimed at easing the problem of flooding, the embankments have ended up aggravating it instead. None of Bihar’s political parties have addressed the issue of annual flooding or have reconsidered the construction of embankments. Instead, to appease people, candidates promise that they would build even more embankments. But this promise only feeds into the corrupt nexus of the government with the contractors.
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