'Rather Than Total Lockdown, India Could’ve Relied on Its Young People to Keep Economy Running'

2021-06-03 0

#KaranThapar #SunetraGupta #Covid19
One of the United Kingdom’s most highly regarded epidemiologists have said that India’s great advantage is its youthful population (90% of the country is under the age of 60) and the government should have devised a strategy to respond to Covid-19 that built upon this rather than imposing total lockdowns that made hundreds of millions of poor Indians jobless and pushed them into destitution and hunger. Prof. Sunetra Gupta, Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology at Oxford University, said that she completely agreed with the views of Indian epidemiologists like Jayaprakash Muliyil and T. Jacob John that the right response for India was not a total lockdown but to protect the elderly and those with comorbidities and then rely on its young population to continue to keep the economy running. She said that their youthfulness would ensure that only a small fraction would get infected and probably only mildly and an even smaller number would die. India’s health care would have been able to cope with this and keep most of them healthy and alive. In fact, Prof. Gupta added that she had the same advice for the United Kingdom.
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