In a recent comment, home minister Amit Shah said every Indian should pledge to use only India-made goods. He said India's 130 cr population is our strength & if they decide not to buy foreign goods, India's economy will see a jump. Investments in India will only increase if everyone uses made in India product - The subtext was, it was time to abandon all things mostly Chinese and only buy local products made by local businessmen.
Is that really how it works and will it lead to a huge recovery in our economy? To answer that question, most of you will first need to destroy the mobile phones and laptops you’re watching this show on because they’re probably manufactured or assembled in China. Actually, this line of boycotting Chinese goods also overlooks the fact that for many major items like Oil, defence and money, we actually look to areas like the Middle East, France and America. But let’s analyze this “dependence on China” bit for a minute.