Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren says the state expects to see at least 5 lakh migrant workers return to the state, as the COVID lockdown left them unemployed and often homeless.
Chief Minister Soren said it had been a double whammy for the people of Jharkhand with the COVID outbreak on the one hand, and the inhumane treatment they faced in many states, as a result of a shutdown in economic activity.
He also hit out at the Centre who, he said had given no relief to the state for migrants’ train fare. Soren said given the economic condition of the state, the Centre must give Jharkhand a special package, although no financial aid had been given yet for COVID.
The Jharkhand Chief Minister said GST had broken the back of a poor state like his, and there weren’t many resources left.
Recent CMIE data pointed to a staggering 47% unemployment rate for the state – Soren said the state was now preparing plans to absorb and find employment for all the incoming migrants. A few rural schemes like Poto Ho Khel Vikas have already been announced and some urban – employment generation schemes will also be formulated soon.
Soren believes economic activities will take on a new shape soon, and it is likely that several migrant labour may not want to return to the urban pockets they were working in, given the treatment they faced.
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