Aparshakti Khurana and Aakriti Ahuja are expecting their first child together. The actor, on June 4, announced the good news on social media in the most hilarious way. He posted a beautiful picture of himself kissing Aakriti Ahuja's baby bump. In the caption, he wrote, “Lockdown mein kaam to expand ho nahi paya toh hume laga family hi expand kar lete hai.” The couple look adorable in the monochrome photo. Aakriti, who is the founder of event management company LaFeria Events, shared her pregnancy news with this caption, "Doing our bit to add to this Baby Boomer generation. #PreggerAlert." Navya Naveli Nanda, who is in New York, did not miss out dedicating a heart-warming wish to her grandparents on their anniversary. June 3 marked Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan's 48th wedding anniversary. She shared a loved-up photo of Big B and Jaya Bachchan from their younger days and wished them. Amitabh Bachchan wished wife Jaya on their 48th wedding anniversary with priceless moments from their wedding. He also thanked his fans for showering them with anniversary wishes. Amitabh got married to Jaya Bachchan, his co-star of several films, on June 3, 1973. In the past, Big B had opened up about the chat mangni pat vyaah with wife Jaya in social media posts and it's an interesting story indeed. Watch the video to know more.