Rise of China & the New World Order I National Security Conversation I Happymon Jacob

2021-06-03 22

Dr. Happymon Jacob speaks with Professor Peter Jones (Associate Professor at Graduate
School of Public and International Affairs in the University of Ottawa) about conflict and cooperation in the new
world order. The conversation discusses whether responses to the resurgence of China can be categorized as the
new Cold War. Prof. Jones argues that current international politics is not marked by an ideological conflict, which
was the defining characteristic of the Cold War, rather, Great power rivalry is a better paradigm to understand the
resurgence of China and the resulting realignments. Prof. Jones suggest that while identifying certain residual
frameworks from Cold War era with regard to nuclear weapons and arms control can be used to explain current
world politics, characterizing the present international political order as embroiled in a new Cold War is inaccurate.

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