10 Amazing Facts About Bicycles

2021-06-02 42

10 Amazing Facts , About Bicycles.
1. The term “bicycle” was not introduced until the 1860s, when it was coined in France.
2. Before this, bicycles were mostly
referred to as velocipedes. .
3. Today, there are over 1 billion bicycles currently being used all around the world.
4. Over 100 million new bicycles are manufactured each year.
5. The United Kingdom is home
to over 20 million bicycles.
6. While China boasts over
a half a billion bikes.
7. In the Netherlands, 30% of all trips
are taken on a bicycle.
8. Seven out of eight Dutch people over the age of 15 own a bike. .
9. In the United States, bicycles are used for
less than one percent of all urban trips.
10. Bicycles save over
238 million gallons
of gas every year