UFO US Navy photographed & filmed “spherical” shaped UFOs & advanced transmedium vehicles

2021-06-01 5

filmmaker and UFO events investigator Jeremy Corbel posted on his Twitter page on May 14, 2021 a video in which the US Navy photographed and filmed “spherical” UFOs and advanced transmedia vehicles.
Filmed at the USS Omaha Combat Information Center / July 15, 2019 / Warning Area off San Diego at 11:00 pm PST. No wreckage found. No ships have been recovered.

Other video of Jeremy Corbel: https://dai.ly/x81oh5m

L'US Navy a photographié et filmé des ovnis de forme «sphérique» et des véhicules transmedium avancés

#ufo #Ufos #UFOs #ovnis

Watch the UFO video taken from the deep web: https://dai.ly/x81dq3o !!!!!

My Channel Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCn2OUKq2yH_KR8YVaKCPbpQ

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