Texas Governor Signs Bill Into Law Banning Abortion at 6 Weeks

2021-05-21 2

Texas Governor Signs Bill Into
Law Banning Abortion at 6 Weeks.
On Wednesday, Texas
Governor Greg Abbott
signed extremely
restrictive abortion
legislation into law. .
The law bans abortion
procedures at six weeks. .
Many patients don’t even know they’re
pregnant at such an early point. .
Abortion providers in Texas must now check for a
“fetal heartbeat” before performing the procedure. .
The abortion procedure is outlawed
if a heartbeat is detected.
The Texas legislation also allows
private citizens to enforce the
abortion ban via civil lawsuits. .
Andrea Miller, president of the National Institute for
Reproductive Health, condemned the ban for adding a
“vicious layer of intimidation.” .
The anti-abortion legislators behind this
bill have made their intent clear: to
harass, frighten, or bankrupt people who
seek care and those who provide it, Andrea Miller, via Huffpost.
Nancy Northup, CEO of the Center for Reproductive
Rights, echoed Miller’s outrage and said her organization
would pursue all legal options to stop the law. .
This bill essentially opens the floodgates to
allow anyone who is hostile to abortion to
sue doctors and clinics, consuming their
resources and forcing them to shut down, Andrea Miller, via Huffpost