India has been registering a significant decline in the daily Covid-19 cases but has seen a sharp rise in deaths due to the infection. India's total coronavirus cases surged past the 25-million mark on Tuesday, boosted by 263,533 new Covid-19 cases over the past 24 hours, while deaths from Covid-19 rose by a record 4,329.
The top five states to have contributed the maximum number of Covid-19 cases in the past 24 hours are Karnataka with 38,603 cases, followed by Tamil Nadu with 33,075 cases, Maharashtra with 26,616 cases, Kerala with 21,402 cases and West Bengal with 19,003 cases.
A total of 4,329 people succumbed to coronavirus in the past 24 hours. The maximum fatalities were reported in Maharashtra (1000), followed by Karnataka with 476 daily deaths.
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