On May 12, Allu Arjun shared that he has tested negative for the novel coronavirus. He also shared an adorable video of him meeting his two kids, Ayaan and Arha, after spending 15 days in quarantine. He thanked his well-wishers and fans for their prayers and thoughtful messages they sent while he was in isolation. Ravi Dubey has tested positive for coronavirus and he is currently in isolation. He announced the news on Instagram recently. . While the news was upsetting, to say the least, his wife Sargun Mehta decided to lighten the mood with her unique brand of humour. She said that it is not Ravi who has gotten the Covid-19 virus but the Covid-19 virus has gotten 'Ravi'. In her post she wrote, “Talk to the virus and get rid of it.” Farhan Akhtar, who recently received his first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine at a drive-in facility in Maharashtra's Andheri, was criticised by a Twitter user, who called him a \"VIP brat.\" Shutting down the Twitter user, the 47-year-old actor responded to his tweet and clarified that the drive-in vaccination facility has been set up for citizens above the age of 45.