The B1617 variant is dominating in most parts of India amid the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic. World Health Organization (WHO), has also classified the B1617, first identified in India, as ‘variant of interest.”
WHO Technical Lead (Covid-19), Dr Maria Van Kerkhove said that “much more information” on the virus variant and its sub-lineages is required and therefore targeted sequencing is to be done.
“B1617 virus variant that was first identified in India has been classified as a variant of interest by WHO over the weekend and last week into today, our Epi and lab team have discussed with the evolution group of this variant, B-1617 and everything that we know about in terms of transmissibility and other studies being down in India or any other country. We need much more information about this (B1617) virus variant and all of the sub-lineages. We need more targeted sequencing to be done,” said Dr Maria Van Kerkhove.