BJP has alleged that the Delhi government was responsible for the “unparalleled Covid-19 crisis” in the city and demanded that a case of criminal negligence be filed against the Arvind Kejriwal-led government. Delhi BJP president Adesh Gupta claimed that the Centre had warned Delhi of a major second wave of the pandemic as early as October 2020. Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) chief Sourav Ganguly says that the remaining matches of Indian Premier League (IPL) can't be played in India and the authorities are left with only two options- England or UAE. Ganguly also said the BCCI would have carried on with IPL 2021 had positive Covid-19 cases not emerged from the bio-bubbles of franchises. As many as 8 players and a couple of support staff have tested positive for the virus so far since the start of the month. Watch the full show 5ive Live with Shiv Aroor for more!