What is Digital Marketing? Learn Digital Marketing - Dopinger Digital Marketing Tutorial

2021-05-10 5

In this video, We will talk about digital marketing. What is Digital Marketing? So, here we go!

What is digital marketing? In its simplest form, we call marketing operations using digital platforms digital marketing. However, it is worth noting that this can cause a serious confusion of concepts because it is a “persuasion” art that includes math and creative approaches within the concept we call marketing. Of course, marketing is always and under all circumstances.

00:00​ What is Digital Marketing?
01:59​ What is Inbound Marketing?
02:20​ What is Outbound Marketing?
02:41​ Steps of Digital Marketing; Acquiring
03:00​ Steps 2; Converting
03:33​ Steps 3; Measuring and Optimizing
03:51​ Steps 4; Retaining and Growing

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