Animal Patrol Trash Bears

2021-05-09 0

通常, 您院子里的有熊经过, 如果找不到食物, 它只会继续前进, 不要让熊在院子里有食物感到舒服不要走开, 必须确保熊有逃生路线后, 制作嘈杂的声音以引诱熊离开. 熊会看颜色, 并具有与人类相似的良好视力, 他们使用肢体语言和发声来表达自己的意图. 熊用后腿站立以更好地观察周围的环境并闻到气味, 这不是一种冒犯性的姿势, 而只是一种确定谁或什么引起了它的兴趣的方法. 熊虽然被分类为肉食动物, 但它们是杂食动物, 这意味着他们既吃植物又吃动物. 他们的饮食中有80%以上是植物, 水果和坚果. 其余大部分包括昆虫和幼虫, 腐肉, 鱼, 偶尔还有小型哺乳动物.
Often a bear in your yard is just passing through and, if it finds no food, will simply move on. Don’t allow the bear to feel comfortable in your yard. After ensuring the bear has an escape route, make lots of noise to encourage it to leave. Remove any non-natural foods that attracted the bear.Bears see in color and have good vision similar to humans, they use body language and vocalizations to show their intentions. A bear stands on its hind legs to get a better view and smell of the surroundings, this is not an aggressive posture, just a way to determine who or what gained its interest. Although classified as carnivores, bears are omnivores, and opportunistic feeders. This means that they eat both plants and animals. Over 80% of their diets consist of vegetation, fruit, and nuts. The remainder includes mostly insects and larva, carrion, fish, and occasionally small mammals.

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