Josep Borrell EU debates at the G7 Meeting in London

2021-05-05 1

It's good to have this meeting in presential, with the colleagues of the most important democracies in the world. It has been a very fruitful and interesting debate, we have been covering all the issues of today's world, the most important problems that we are facing and I think that we need a coordinated and stronger answer from our democracies to the problems coming from Sahel, to the relations with China, with Russia, the problems in Ethiopia, Somalia. It has really been a "tour d'horizon" about the world problems.

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Any specific area of progress?

Well in my case, I had the opportunity to talk with my colleagues about the situation of the negotiations on the JCPOA, the Nuclear Deal with Iran, chairing with Secretary General Blinken on the situation on these negotiations which are difficult, but going on! And from Friday we'll start a new round of these negotiations.

Also I had the opportunity to talk about the situation in Ethiopia, in Somalia, in the horn of Africa, where the situation is very worrying and difficult.

But what is happening in Libya is good news! The ceasefire is still lasting and I think that we can be optimistic about the situation.

So in general terms things are not going better but there are some places as Iran, Libya in other, where we can have a certain hope and where I think there is progress.

How much difference with dealing something on VTC?

With VTC there is no interactivity. There is no possibility to arrange bilaterals while these kind of meetings are important.

Being together around the table bilaterally or in groups is a way to forge consensus, this is the way you forge agreements.

The EU is going to let more people in during vacations in the summer. Is this too soon?

No, what we try to do is working in a coordinated way in order to take into consideration the improvement that we have been doing in vaccination. Everyone being vaccinated with the vaccines being authorized by the European institutions can be granted free entrance.

We have to take into consideration the progress made on the process of vaccination.

Josep Borrell, the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, participates in the physical G7 Foreign and Development Ministers' Meeting, taking place in London.

During the meeting, the High Representative and the Foreign Ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States hold in-depth discussions on a number of topical foreign policy and security issues – including those related to Afghanistan, the JCPOA, Libya, Russia and the Eastern neighbourhood, Sahel, Syria, the Western Balkans, as well as security in Asia and cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.

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