A woman from Uttar Pradesh's Firozabad was forced to carry the body of her husband, who died of Covid-19, in an e-rickshaw, because she had no money to pay for an ambulance. Her son alleged his father was unable to get a bed, or treatment, from hospitals or Covid-19 treatment facilities, reported NDTV. He also said ambulance drivers charged exorbitant amounts to carry the body home. In heart-breaking visuals, the woman can be seen sitting in the back of the e-rickshaw & holding on to her husband's body, which appears to be tied to the frame to prevent it from falling out of the vehicle. With more than 2.85 lakh active cases, Uttar Pradesh is one of India's worst-affected states. India has been hit by a devastating wave of Covid-19 infections, over 3.5 lakh cases per day since April 28 and over three lakh cases per day since April 22. Active caseload is now nearly 35.5 lakh, more than three times the high recorded in September last year. Hospital are overflowing, doctors are traumatised & overworked. Relatives & friends of Covid-19 patients are forced to fight - every day - for the lives of their loved ones.