India's daily Covid-19 figures hit a new high on April 29 with 3,79,257 fresh infections & 3,645 deaths reported in 24 hours. The caseload surged to 1.83 crore; over 2.04 lakh people have died so far. India has been recording over three lakh cases every day for over a week now. More than 2 lakh cases a day are being recorded since April 15. Shortage of hospital beds, medical oxygen & crucial anti-viral drugs has added to crisis. All adults can get Covid-19 shots from May 1 as the government widens the vaccine drive to fight the virus. On April 28, over 1.3 crore people applied for vaccination on CoWIN, the government's registration website; a few glitches were reported initially. US, UK, Russia & China are sending help to India amid the crisis. Karnataka & Bengal on April 28 recorded the biggest surge in Covid-19 cases since the start of the pandemic. More than 39,000 cases were recorded by Karnataka while Bengal saw a record single-day surge of 17,207 cases. Maharashtra, which is the worst-hit state in the country, reported a record 985 Covid-19 deaths. Even as Delhi remains under a curfew for the second consecutive week, the city recorded 25,986 cases.