Light and sun are friends of our eyes
It is known from the ancient times that human beings represent "materialized sunlight", or "Manifested trail of light", since our whole life depends on the sun, -
this is what said Mantak Chia and Robert Levanski. And I totally agree with the statement that we would all get hard time without the healing effect of the sun's color on the retina of our eyes. Besides the fact that the sun is a natural source of vitamin D for the health of our skin and eyes, sunlight literally supply all our organs and systems with the colors that are in its spectrum. On the beneficial effects of sunlight on the eyes, on the closest the interaction of the heavenly body and the organs of vision is written by more than enough. So, even in the Bible it was said: “The sun is both food and drink for the eyes ", as well as:" The light is sweet and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun "
Even the medical encyclopedia defines the eyes as “the organ of vision,
perceiving light stimuli ". To make sure of the decisive role of light for the eyes, it is enough to place people with different eyesight into absolute darkness. Agree that
regardless of the degree of visual pathology, all participants in the experiment will be equally blind.
"The sun is both food and drink for the eyes"
On the healing properties of light and the practice of using solar therapy The ancient Greeks also left their records. And their city is Heliopolis ("city of Sun ") was famous throughout the world for its healing temples, in which light was used to treat people. There is evidence of the therapeutic use of spectral components of light - the colors of the rainbow and in Ancient Egypt. Among modern scientists who have studied the effect of light on living organisms, was the American D. Stipler. He proceeded from the fact that, since all life on Earth exists thanks to sunlight, then light is more than a source of heat and food. Becoming a follower of Steepler, American psychologist, doctor of the clinic in Colorado State Jacob Lieberman began to use light in his medical practice. For 30 years of work, he managed to cure cancer, eye and cardiovascular and other diseases of more than 15,000 people.
Eyes are the windows of our body
We used to think that the eyes have only one function - vision. Most of people do not know about their other amazing purpose - to be "Windows" through which light enters our body. Dr. Lieberman claims that passing along the optic nerve, the light beam is bifurcated. One impulse goes to a section of the brain, where the visual image is directly created. Another falls into the hypothalamus is the most important part of the brain, associated primarily with nervous and endocrine systems. It is thanks to the hypothalamus that it beats heart, blood pressure is maintained at a certain level and Body temperature. He gives us the opportunity to experience joy, fear, hunger, etc. Inside the hypothalamus is a biconcave lens - the pineal gland.