Cracking the Cset (California Subject Examinations for Teachers), 2nd Edition: The Strategy &

2021-04-27 2
A revised second edition of our test prep guide to help teachers score higher on the California educators' certification exam, updated to reflect recent changes to the CSET and now including bonus CSET: Writing Skills online material.Techniques That Actually Work.- Essential tactics to work smarter, not harder- Tips for pacing yourself and guessing logically- Targeted guidance for multiple-choice and constructed-response questions Everything You Need to Know to Help Achieve a High Score.- Essential review of CSET: Multiple Subjects content, including reading, language, and literature; history and social science; science and math; and physical education, human development, and the performing arts- Sample questions with step-by-step guidance- Key Terms lists and bulleted summaries for every chapter- PLUS! Free online access to 3 Writing Skills practice tests plus bonus Writing helpPractice Your Way to Perfection.- 3 full-length CSET practice tests available online- End-of-chapter practice drills for all test subjects- Detailed answer explanations for all practice questions