Manmohan Singh's 5 suggestions to PM Modi; children hit by Covid second wave; more

2021-04-20 10

Aday after the Congress Working Committee (CWC) meeting, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday, highlighting five suggestions for combating the second and more severe Covid-19 wave in India. In a two-page letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the veteran Congress leader said one must not look at absolute numbers, but the percentage of the population vaccinated.

As India faces a second wave of coronavirus, children have now begun showing mild to moderate symptoms of Covid-19. Earlier, children, below 18 years of age, who tested positive for the infection largely remained asymptomatic. The fresh surge of coronavirus cases has witnessed more paediatric cases in ages more than 10 years and also between 1-8 years.

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