Serpendipity Official Netiofficial Movv Short movie

2021-04-18 7

Gordon does not want to FREEZE during his dinner date. Not only is Gordon nervous, but he has a secret- he has snakes for hair with a bad habit of turning people into stone. Will he find love or is this a date filled with disaster?

Serpendipity has been selected to various film festivals, screening around the world and winning multiple awards! Follow us on social media for the latest on our film festival journey and our team members.

Adriana Aguilar: Co-Art Director, Texturing Team, Lighting Team, Rendering Team, Compositing Team, Storyboard Team, Concept Illustrator, Marketing Team

Kevin Barwick: Co-Director, Character Modeler, Modeling Team, Texturing Team, Lighting Team, Rendering Team, Storyboard Team, Look Dev and Materials, Sculpt Clean Up Artist

Nathanael Berrian: Co-Animation Director, 2D Animator, Storyboard Team, Modelling Team, Concept Illustrator, Logo Designer

Eileen Cinerar: Compositing Lead, Editor, Character Rigger, Animation Team, Marketing Team, Rigging Team, Storyboard Team

Niara Clay: Environment Lead, Marketing Lead, Texturing Team, Lighting Team, Rendering Team, Storyboard Team, Concept Illustrator, Set Designer

Kyle Climaco: Co-Technical Director, Effects Lead, Lighting Lead, Rendering Lead, Compositing Team, Modeling Team, Houdini FX Artist

Angelica Duvic: Modelling Lead, Texturing Team, Animation Team, Effects Team, Lighting Team, Rendering Team, Compositing Team, Storyboard Team

Matthew Graham: Production Manager, Co-Cinematographer, Asset Manager, Storyboards Team, Animation Team, Concept Illustrator

Carlos Mejia: Co-Director, Co-Cinematographer, Animation Team, Compositing Team, Modeling Team

Ivan Olortegui: Co-Animation Director, Sound Lead, Layout Team, Storyboard Team, Concept Illustrator

Lauren Posner: Co-Art Director, Character Modeler, Texture Team, Compositing Team, Storyboard Team, Modelling Team, Animation Team, Concept Illustrator

Sarah Rahman: Texture Lead, Lighting Team, Rendering Team, Animation Team, Marketing Team, Storyboard Team, Character Modeler, Concept Illustrator, Compositing Team

Brandon Schaal: Co-Technical Director, Rigging Lead, Cloth Simulation, Lighting Team, Rendering Team, Modeling Team

Music By: Jen- Shuo Chen
Sound By: Matt Tracy, and Ivan Olortegui
Faculty Advisors: Darlene Hadrika, Jo Anne Adams, Cheryl Briggs, Phil Peters

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