Teenager takes on cops arresting "homeless" man in McDonald's | I Am Birmingham

2021-04-13 2

Self-proclaimed "community activist" Luke Holland takes on an officer from West Midlands Police after over five officers are sent to McDonald's in Birmingham's Cherry Street to remove an allegedly "homeless" man who was reportedly sleeping in the restaurant.
Mr Holland, who is standing for public office in the local council elections for the Kings Heath & Moseley ward, challenged the officer, only to be labelled "immature", uneducated and "petty".
FULL STORY: https://bit.ly/3seSqmm​

UPDATE: West Midlands Police have responded to claims that a “homeless” man was arrested from a McDonald’s restaurant in Birmingham city centre. During an incident just over a week ago, a local teenager confronted an officer from West Midlands Police after over five officers were sent to a McDonald’s restaurant in Birmingham’s Cherry Street to remove an allegedly homeless man who was reportedly sleeping in the restaurant. WM Police have confirmed the man was NOT homeless and was arrested for possession of illegal drugs and a breach of the peace. (09.03.15).
FULL STORY: https://bit.ly/3279Kiq​

DATE: Thursday 26th February, 2015
LOCATION: McDonald's, Cherry Street, Birmingham, UK

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