SCARS Documentary Movie (2021) Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: During the civil war in Sri Lanka, Vetrichelvi was the propaganda radio voice of the Tamil Tigers. Filmmaker Agnieszka Zwiefka (THE QUEEN OF SILENCE) follows her on a road trip to find former comrades and discover what happened to them after the war. But then a much darker truth unravels. SCARS brings us the never told before story of forcibly recruited female fighters and sheds a new and controversial light on the unresolved conflict in Sri Lanka.
Director: Agnieszka Zwiefka
Production: Kloos & Co. Ost UG (DE)
Co-Production: Chilli Productions (PL), Witfilm (NL)
World Sales: Rise and Shine World Sales
With the support of:
German-Polish Film Fund (PISF, MDM, MBB, FFA)
Catapult Film Fund
Polish Film Institute
Women Make Movies