The photos that I am taking are from Kensington Metroparks and various areas in Oakland County. Kensington Metroparks is a public. Pay to enter park. Located in Milford and South Lyon, Michigan in Oakland County. It is based around Kensington Lake and its many offset ponds and water flow. The park is sprawling, the same Lake picks up in many different locations with Hans of different assets. Dictate authors have won a state of Ridge River waterway or the Clinton River Waterway. Either or however. This is some of the best. Waterfowl, AKA birds in animals in our area. The purpose of taking these photos is to learn how to use the Kodak Explorer AZ 528 zoom feature. All the photos in these categories in this catalog were taken with under 200 cameras and not using my cell phone. Why not use my cell phone? Because the clarity is not as good align as doesn't capture. Everything is good. When you want to do professional quality photos, you need to have different types of lenses and different types of cameras. That captured the image and surroundings better than just your phone. Secondly, I don't know about you, but it is kind of annoying at times to have 500 photos or photo shops that you've made on your phone. So I use Adobe Photoshop on my iPad and my. HP Windows computer.
Another thing that helps to make this whole blogging and content creation process easier is using this. Samsung go mic. Unlike other microphones. This mic is small, and it picks up things way better than the other microphones like the newer. NW 700 J lab Taco. Other microphones that I've tried, including the toner condenser like that is best seller on Amazon. This microphone hooked up to my iPhone and using Microsoft Word gives me the best ability to create content. I know you are thinking every time I use speech to text, it never comes out right.