The Last Time I Committed Suicide Movie (1997) Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In the idyllic post-war 1950s, young men across the country were aspiring to achieve the American dream of marriage, family and stability. But others longed for something different...
Meet Neal Cassady (Thomas Jane, The Mist). He's got a poet's soul, a dreamer's heart and a choice to make. Caught between the allure of a drifter's life on the road and the security of a traditional home, Neal must decide which future he most desires. From writer and director Stephen Kay ("Yellowstone", Get Carter) and also starring Keanu Reeves (John Wick), Claire Forlani (Mallrats), Adrien Brody (The Pianist), Marg Helgenberger (Species), Amy Smart (The Butterfly Effect), Lucinda Jenney (Rain Man) and Gretchen Mol (3:10 to Yuma), The Last Time I Committed Suicide is the unforgettable story of love, friendship and discovering how to stay a beat ahead of the crowd.
Director: Stephen Kay
Writers: Neal Cassady, Stephen Kay
Stars: Thomas Jane, Keanu Reeves, Adrien Brody