What is Remarketing and How Does It Work? - Detailed Guide - Dopinger.com

2021-03-29 3

Remarketing, also known as retargeting, is re-showing your ads to people who have already visited your site but did not purchase anything. To explain it further, let’s say you have put up an ad online, and 100 people clicked on it to be directed to your website. But statistically, only 2-4 percent out of your website visitors will buy something. These numbers may sound scary, but remarketing is just for those people who were intrigued enough to click on your website but not enough to buy anything. So these are your potential customers, and you need to “ask for a second chance” to get them to purchase by creating a remarketing list and showing more ads to them.

Visit our blog to get more information about What is Remarketing and What Asset is Used to Build a Remarketing List; https://www.dopinger.com/blog/what-asset-is-used-to-build-a-remarketing-list

Our website; https://www.dopinger.com/blog/

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