Mantra of Great Happiness Freedom & Peace within

2021-03-23 9

☸ mantra Prayer for all living creatures everywhere be happy and free
☸ Powerful Mantras Meditation Music Channel 2019 (PM)
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ॐ divine energy of spiritual enlightenment

● ▬ ॐ Devotional Great Happiness mantra lyrics (text) ॐ ▬●
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

● ▬ ☸ The purpose of the Great # Happinessmantra ☸ ▬●
Listening to this mantra, we shift our attention from our personal “I”, the ego to the whole universe and radiate a prayer of love for the world around us. It takes us from the egoic, small “I” and its limited outlook, and radiates global well-being from us. This is a reminder that we are part of the universe and can positively influence all creations.

Although it is not the traditional Vedic mantra, Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu is a Sanskrit prayer (or sloka). It has been used for centuries to call for great states of compassion and peace. Often mentioned at the end of the practice of yoga, it is a call for a personal and collective world. “Do with others as you would like them to do with you” may be the closest Western equivalent. However, the influence of this ancient mantra is much greater than the simple human kindness.

● ▬ ☸ What is mantra? Mantra definition
Mantras (chants) are sounds made up of sacred Sanskrit syllables, which help us to improve our energy. #Chanting​ powerful mantras or listening to them give us access to the Divine Forces, bring harmony in our mind, body & of course sets our heart on a wave of divine energy, bringing bliss into our inner world. These devotional sounds can activate our inner pharmacy, bring the balance to our physiology, creating wellness & vitality. What is mantra – it's divine magic of Lord & we can use it to wake up our spirituality!

#mantra​ came from India, it' a special set of sacred sounds that creates a resonance affects on our energy. So of course no matter to listen to the mantra or chant it, but effect will be better if mentally repeat the text thus the blissful inner state will be achieved sooner
NUMBER of REPEATS: Take a course for 1 month: in order to be effective, any business must be carried out stably & consistently for at least 1 month, then the result will amaze you! According to hindu rituals repeats should be multiple of 9 (as usual - 108 times will be great), most important – listen 3 times a day
TIME: Best effect #mantras​ will have if you listen them 3 times a day – morning, afternoon & evening (before bedtime)
PHYSICAL CONDITION: be calm & relax your body so the energy of the sound will have the maximum effect
EFFECT: When the number of chanting reaches a certain value (after 1 month), you will belive learn how to resolve many problems, achieve realization of potential, harmony within you & bliss. Just repeat inwardly: "I CAN DO EVERYTHING I WANT! I WILL DO! MY FORTUNE IS WITHIN ME!