Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat Contracts COVID-19, In Self-Isolation

2021-03-23 4

Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat has tested positive for Covid-19. He has put himself in isolation under medical supervision. In a Twitter post, Rawat appealed to those who came in close contact with him recently to get themselves tested. As per a government release, he is asymptomatic & is interacting with officials from the guesthouse where he is in isolation. Rawat was to reach New Delhi on March 22 for a four-day visit to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah & other Union cabinet ministers. The Chief Minister had attended several public events over the past few days. After assuming the charge on March 10, Tirath Singh Rawat has found himself at the centre of a row over his comments disapproving of women wearing ripped jeans, suggesting that this goes against India's cultural norms. Facing flak over his "ripped jeans" comment, Tirath Singh Rawat said he has no problem with jeans with but wearing "torn" ones is "not right". The newly appointed Uttarakhand CM made another goof-up when he said it was America that enslaved Indians for 200 years.