Uttarakhand Chief Minister Tirath Singh Rawat’s Fresh Blooper, India Was Enslaved By U.S. For 200 Years

2021-03-22 787

After making headlines over his controversial "ripped jeans" comment, the new Uttarakhand Chief Minister, Tirath Singh Rawat is back with another. This time he blames the U.S. for "200 years of rule in India". In a video of his speech, the Chief Minister can be heard saying "America, which enslaved us for 200 years and ruled the whole world, is struggling" to control the coronavirus pandemic. He compared India with the U.S. on number of COVID-19 cases. Rawat further said, “Who knows what would have happened to India had anyone else been the prime minister instead of Narendra Modi during this time... we would have been in a bad state. But he (PM) gave us relief”. Uttarakhand Chief Minister just earlier this week faced flak for his controversial comments on women wearing ripped jeans & how they cannot, he feels, provide the right environment at home for children. The comments, widely criticised as misogynistic, sent #RippedJeans trending on Twitter with thousands of people posting memes & jokes & taking shots at Tirath's remark.