The Prajnaparamita Mantra means complete freedom from illusions, awakening from all kind of illusions, it is means the perfect wisdom. All the Buddhas who reside in all times, fully awakened to the true perfect enlightenment with a help of Prajnaparamita.
This mantra gives the calm, the pain and emotions go away, it shows the right way and leads a man to his true purpose. The practice of this mantra also provides protection and strength, gives good luck in the business and promotes prosperity. It cleans the aura and space around from negative energies.
With a help of this simple mantra comes the understanding that any suffering must be completely absent in the life, the man has to live for love, joy and happiness. Everybody who has learned how to use this mantra, understand some aspects of life path in another way, more sublime and spiritual.
The text of mantra of Prajnaparamita:
Mantra - it is a combination of special sounds and vibrations that purify space, body, mind and consciousness from negative energies. Mantra – it is an ancient sacred formula that gives a powerful Divine energy, it is the key that opens the way to the Supreme Divine knowledge.
Repeat the mantras possible any number of times, but the most importantly the number of repetitions has to be a multiple of three. You can repeat them 3,6,9,15 ... times, but the best effect is obtained with a daily repetition of mantras 108 times, because the number of one hundred and eight is considered sacred. One – it symbolizes the Supreme Divine Energy, zero – it is the perfection of God's creation and eight – it is a symbol of eternity and infinity in an inverted form.
In order not to make mistakes in counting the number of times they recommend to use the rosary. Rosary also helps to concentrate better on the mantra and sensations and also while singing mantras it is charging with powerful energy and can serves as an excellent talisman and amulet.