Dr. Fauci Faces off With Rand Paul in Fiery Exchange Over Face Masks

2021-03-19 1

Dr. Fauci Faces off
With Rand Paul
in Fiery Exchange
Over Face Masks.
During a Senate hearing, Paul falsely claimed that people
who have recovered from COVID-19 or been vaccinated
against it have a “virtual 0% chance” of becoming infected.
He also accused
Dr. Fauci, who has
received both of his
COVID-19 vaccinations,
of wearing his face
mask “for show.”.
You’ve been vaccinated and you parade around
in two masks for show. You can’t get it again …
There’s virtually 0% chance you’re going to get
it and you’re telling people that have had the
vaccine who have immunity … to wear masks … , Rand Paul, via CNBC.
Paul’s questioning of
whether masks were
“just theater” is what
seemingly upset
Dr. Fauci the most. .
Here we go again with the theater …
Can I just state for the record that
masks are not theater. , Dr. Anthony Fauci, via CNBC.
Dr. Fauci went on to tell Paul that
he “totally disagree[s] with [him].”.
He pointed out that the emergence of new variants
in the United States poses a threat to everyone.
In the South African study conducted by
[Johnson & Johnson], they found that people
who were infected with wild type and were
exposed to the variant in South Africa,
the 351, it was as if they had never been
infected before, they had no protection. , Dr. Anthony Fauci, via CNBC.
Dr. Fauci further argued his point on
‘CBS This Morning’ the next day, saying
Paul was “dead wrong.”.
[He] has this message that we don’t
need masks, which goes against just
about everything we know about how
to prevent the spread of the virus …
he’s just, quite frankly, incorrect. , Dr. Anthony Fauci, via Politico

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