(SWITCH) Ghost 'N Goblin's Resurrection - 04 - Stage 3 - Legend - Failed - Attempt 1 + Bee Hunting

2021-03-19 1

(SWITCH) Ghost 'N Goblin's Resurrection - 04 - Stage 3 - Legend - Failed - Attempt 1 + Bee Hunting

Practically 4 and half hours of me failing, just go to the time code for the bees...

Total Fail stream... at least I found 6 of 12 bees

- Stage 3 (first check point)
- 1:36 first upper platform
- 7:03 left side hill
- 11:49 up first ladder

- 22:57 rising level beginning
- 23:41 rising level small block turtle on it, stand next to it
- 3:39:47 up candle stair case need to be fast

Gold Armor
1st Chest location beginning of level - jump on candle
2nd Rising level first hole in wall on right walk in it
3rd Rising level rectangle block hit it
hit these 3 for Gold Armor
*can delay for Candle Room 2 chests
right side of fire lamp...hit it and Red Arremer shows up
also before the candle stairs if you fall by the last hole and grab the ledge a chest will appear