THE BANISHING Movie (2021) - Jessica Brown Findlay, John Heffernan, John Lynch, Sean Harris

2021-03-13 17

THE BANISHING Movie (2021) Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: From acclaimed genre director Chris Smith (Creep, Severance, Triangle) comes the true story of the most haunted house in England. A young reverend and his wife and daughter move into a manor with a horrifying secret. When a vengeful spirit haunts the little girl and threatens to tear the family apart, the reverend and his wife are forced to confront their beliefs. They must turn to black magic by seeking the help of a famous Occultist...or risk losing their daughter. Starring Jessica Brown Findlay (Downton Abbey), John Heffernan (Collateral ), John Lynch (The Terror) and Sean Harris (the Mission: Impossible franchise).

Premieres April 15, 2021 on Shudder