Jennifer Garner's body has gotten her through action movies and childbirth -- so she's cutting it some slack for not bouncing "right back" after three kids. The actress got candid about how her body has transformed over the years during her appearance on Monday's Happy Mum, Happy Baby podcast."There are some incredible women whose bodies just, no matter how many babies they have, they bounce right back to that slim-hipped, no stomach," Garner told host Giovanna Fletcher. "It's incredible. I have so many girlfriends who have that physique, and I'm so happy for them. I am not one of them. That is not my gig.""I can work really hard, and I can be really fit and I will still look like a woman who's had three babies, and I always will," she added. Garner, 48, shares 15-year-old Violet, 12-year-old Seraphina and 9-year-old Samuel with ex-husband Ben Affleck, but is still the subject of occasional pregnancy rumors. During a 2014 interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Garner defended her changing body."I am not pregnant, but I've had three kids and there is a bump," she said at the time. "From now on, ladies, I will have a bump, and it will be my baby bump. Let's just all settle in and get used to it. It's not going anywhere. Its name is Violet, Sam and Sera."On Monday's podcast, Garner said, "I just thought, I might as well address it and Ellen was so sweet to let me. But I just felt like we might as well?""[The pregnancy rumors are] still happening. I'm 48, and I'm single," she added. "And it's still happening, so you might as well take that bull by the horns.""It's just a body. Be grateful to it. It carried you this far. It carried babies for you. What else do you want? My goodness," Garner shared. See more on Garner in the video below. RELATED CONTENT: