Conference on the Future of Europe: EU Presidents sign joint declaration

2021-03-10 4

The signature on Wednesday set the Conference in motion, in order to address challenges old and new, while strengthening European solidarity. The joint declaration on the Conference on the Future of Europe was signed on Wednesday at 13.00 by President Sassoli on behalf of the Parliament, Prime Minister Costa for the Council and Commission President von der Leyen.

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This begins the process that will enable citizens to participate in reshaping the EU’s policies and institutions. The declaration includes the EU institutions’ commitment “to listen to Europeans and to follow up on the recommendations made by the Conference” in line with their respective competences enshrined in the Treaties.

Using an inclusive, open and transparent approach, people of all backgrounds, civil society representatives and stakeholders at European, national, regional and local level will participate and set the Conference’s tone and agenda in line with their concerns, in a multitude of events and through a multilingual digital platform.

A stronger voice for citizens

The Conference on the Future of Europe will give citizens a greater role in shaping the Union’s future policies and ambitions, improving its resilience. A series of events will be organised by the three institutions, where citizens will have the chance to express their views on the issues that matter to them. The Conference is an opportunity to underpin the democratic legitimacy and functioning of the European project as well as to uphold EU citizens' support for our common goals and values. An interactive multilingual digital platform will help with the organisation of the debates across the Union.

Scope of the debates

The scope of the Conference should reflect the areas where the European Union has the competence to act, or where EU action would benefit European citizens, focusing on topics that truly matter to citizens, with long lasting impacts and wide outreach. The Conference will facilitate a discussion of the challenges the EU is facing, including those brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Reflecting the Strategic Agenda of the EU, it should also address policy topics such as climate change, economic and social issues, and the digital transformation. Citizens are free to raise additional issues that matter to them.


The Conference will be placed under the authority of the three institutions, represented by the President of the European Parliament, the President of the Council and the President of the European Commission, acting as its joint presidency.

The work of the presidency will be supported by an executive board, composed of three representatives and four observers from each institution. National Parliaments will be closely involved.