Brother Demetric's But Didn't You Kill Malcolm Exposes The Hidden Hand In Malcolm X's Murder

2021-03-06 3

The Nation Of Islam has consistently been accused of killing the great leader Malcolm X in lore, documentaries and even in academic settings. Demetric Muhammad, the Student Minister of the Nation of Islam Research Group, has crafted a definitive counter narrative to movies like "Who Killed Malcolm X?" with a 400-page book called "But Didn't You Kill Malcolm?" The book tackles numerous notions that have take on new life in the court of public opinion, but the book cites facts and sources on nearly every page. Brother Demetric makes a compelling argument especially with the recent death-bed confession from a former officer that the NYPD and the Feds were complicit in the assassination of Malcolm X. Brother Demetric even addresses the DJ Vlad/ Minister Farrakhan controversy that swept the Hip-Hop nation.