Log into Multiple Facebook Accounts

2021-02-25 26

How to Log into Multiple Facebook Accounts
|This video is nothing more than someones opinion and is for informational reference and educational purposes only.
How to Log into Multiple Facebook Accounts
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If you maintain or manage multiple Facebook accounts you may know that you cannot just log into them simultaneously in the same browser. Browsers keep some personal and login data or cookies to identify you in your session. These cookies enable you to go through all connected websites services or pages without having to login every time. However if you want to log into multiple Facebook accounts at the same time there are a few options you can try. Launch Google Chrome. Look for Google Chrome on your computer and double click it to launch its browser.

Log into Facebook. Visit facebook.com and enter your first Facebook account email address or username andin the login fields in the upper right corner of the page. Click the Log in button to proceed.

Open the browser menu. Click the button with three horizontal bars on the upper right corner of the browser. This will bring down its main menu.

Open a new incognito window. Click New incognito window from the menu. A new Google Chrome browser window will open in Incognito mode. In this mode the browser header toolbar will have a spy cartoon at the upper left corner. The main window will also state that Youve gone incognito. Once youre in incognito mode you can enjoy private browsing without Chrome collecting data on you.

Log into another Facebook account. Use the incognito browser window to visit Facebook and log in using login details of your second Facebook account. You now have two Facebook accounts that you can use simultaneously.In the address bar, enter Facebook
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This video contains a digital rendering of a celebrity personalities likeness and voice for comedic and satirical value. The opinions and information expressed in this video are not representative of those of the actual celebrity personality. No affiliation exists between the celebrity personality and the producer of this video.