please read (not a scam, i give my word for it)(p.s: not me in the vid, but this is real) before you close this video, just check how it works & if it seems untrue then go ahead but this is REAL...
Guys, i never believed in these free giveaway sites, i found this one, I swear so many people have received Freebies from this site. So i want to help you & me, both...
It works in a real simple way, three steps:
1. Signup
2. Complete an offer
3. Refer others to do same.
I'm going for Nintendo Wii, which only requires 9 Referrals.
The "Complete an offer" part might sound hard, but it really is not, there are many free offers available, most popular of which are: 2 Weeks Free DVD Trial (Lovefilm), Galabingo (5 pounds, but you get 20pound for signup), and many more offers.
It may seem too good to be true and you might think why are they doing it? But there's a really clever trick behind it:
For the 2 Weeks free trial when you refer others:
It's really simple, and nobody looses, everyone profits from this.If you don't want to do the Lovefilm offer, you can still do other free offers or spend 5 pounds on Galabingo. There's no limitations to this, you can refer your friends and family and if you get 9 offers done, you have a Free Nintendo Wii. And if they don't prefer to do the Lovefilm Trial offer, they can do the Galabingo offer. If you pay people to do offers, then you spend 45 pounds (9ref. x 5 pound) for a Nintendo Wii, which would cost you 180 Pounds on the cheapest shops,so it's a BARGAIN!!!
Click Here to Join FreebieJeebies:
Some Other Offers from FreebieJeebies:
Nintendo Wii -9 Referrals
PS3 (80 GB Version) -15 Referrals
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Help me & yourself as well,Thanks: